Colombia, Dec 7th, 2022
This morning we visit Finca Inmaculada in Valle de Cauca. Jorge Castro is the director of operations and gives us a tour. The owners of Inmaculada come from the palm oil and sugar cane industry and have been able to invest a lot of money into producing some of the highest quality in the world. They specialize in growing and processing exotic varieties, including growing the Eugenioides, the mother of Arabica Coffee.
The control all of their fermentation in closed tanks (anaerobic processing) and dry the coffee in either advanced parabolic dryers or dehydration.
They have recently started buying coffee cherries from other coffee producers for 10 - 15% more than what they would fetch selling the traditional way. Using the processing methods at Inmaculada, they are able to boost the overall score of these traditionally low scoring coffees.
After a nice lunch with the Inmaculada team, we drive 5 more hours to Manizales, and meet up with Valentina, the owner of Siruma, for a delicious Oaxaca meal.